Saturday, July 19, 2008

The World Around Us

The other day when we were coming out of a mall, I saw a pigeon the pigeon couldn't fly, we new this because my mom got so close that she almost touched the pigeon and it did nothing but stand there. We figured that it was hurt but it didn't look hurt it looked healthy and when we left to go to the car the pigeon watched us walk all the way there. Another time we were driving to camp and we saw a dead raccoon lying on the side. That goes to show we are consistently hurting both animals and the environment, we need to pay more attention to what we are doing.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Animal of the Week

If you know any interesting facts about Tigers you can post a comment and say the fact if you want me to post it with your name or not. You can search Tigers to get fun facts about them. Good luck hunting for facts.


Welcome to this site. I am the author of Help Us... Please and my friend is the author of HAATW. We are trying to make a difference in animals and humans lives. So I am going to have a animal pf the week and each week it will be a different animal. This week it will be a Tiger.